Terms, conditions and cancellation policy

Terms, Conditions and Cancellation Policy

Terms, Conditions and cancellation policy

By placing a booking with A Dogs Tale Ltd you are deemed to have read, understood and accepted our terms and conditions below. Completion of the booking process and acceptance of our terms and conditions forms your contract with A Dog's Tale Ltd. 

If unfortunately you are unable to attend a training session and need to cancel or rearrange a course, workshop or private 121 session after you have booked and paid for it we require 48 hours notice for a refund to be made.  Any refund made will be reduced by an administration fee of £10.00. If you start the course and then cancel, fail to turn up to a course or one to one booking, no refund will be made except in special circumstances. This situation will be considered case by case and at A Dog's Tale discretion. 
If we are hosting another trainer or professional for workshops and training courses, there is a 'no refund' policy applied to these events.

Training Techniques
All training techniques used by A Dog's Tale are reward based, all techniques and methods used are kind and fair. We do not allow any form of harsh handling and we use proven kind and effective techniques. Therefore, we do not tolerate any harsh handling and punishment based handling or techniques. Equipment such as choke chains, prong collars, E-collars, citronella collars and more will not be allowed in training.

​Aggressive Dogs
You must not knowingly book an aggressive dog onto any of our sessions. If in doubt, please contact us to discuss further. If it is found that your dog is aggressive and may need referral to another dog professional who specialises in aggression, we may not refund your payment.

Any instances of accident or injury must be reported at the time they occur. Please follow the trainers instructions at all times. 
You are responsible for your dog at all times. Please ensure your dog is kept on a lead unless otherwise instructed to do so and that you keep hold of the lead throughout the class or session. 

Children are welcome to attend training class, with appropriate adult supervision. A Dog's Tale accepts no responsibility for children at training classes and it is the responsibility of the supervising adult to ensure their children’s safety at all times.

Health and Vaccinations

All dogs and puppies must be suitably vaccinated against potential risk of disease, as well as being treated for internal and external parasites.
There can be no guarantee that there is no risk of disease when in contact with shared equipment (such as toys).
It is the owner’s/handler’s responsibility to ensure their dog is fully protected against the risk of disease. The decision not to do this is made entirely at your own risk.
Please advise in advance of any session if your dog has been unwell or if they have been in contact with another dog infected with a contagious disease. Depending on the issue, it may be advisable for the session to be cancelled and re-arranged or the class missed. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure their dog is fit and healthy for class.

 If your dog has any known allergies or intolerances to certain foods please make us aware before the start of the training session and provide appropriate, alternative treats for training.

If your Dog is in season please notify us so we can discuss further and make a plan that is best for you and your dog. 

Please read our Privacy Policy for more details
I may send out occasional emails and marketing to the email address provided. If you would like to opt out of these please let me know.
Photographs are occasionally taken during training sessions to be used on A Dog's Tale social media sites and/or the website. If you do not wish for your photographs of you or your dog being used please let us know.
Any written feedback given on the feedback form maybe used for marketing purposes. If you do not wish for your feedback to be used please let us know. Photos and/or videos can only be taken in class at the discretion of A Dog's Tale. 

We make every effort to ensure the safety of both clients and dogs in training sessions. By making a booking with A Dog's Tale you are accepting that participating in an activity with dogs, children and adults poses a risk of injury to yourself and your dog, and you agree to indemnify A Dog's Tale for all personal injury and damage to property while attending training sessions.
You agree to assume all responsibility for any risks, injuries and damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of your dog attending such sessions. You also agree to make any person who accompanies you to the sessions or who comes in your place aware that they are their at their own risk.
You understand and accept that your dog (and it’s behaviour) remains your entire responsibility at all times, whether or not in the presence of a dog trainer.

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